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Prana Rejuvenation Retreat

March 27 - March 30

What  ?
Prana is the universal life energy. Yoga is tuning body-mind-spirit to wholeness. 
Through this 3 days program, Rejuvenate the body-mind-energy with conscious postures, breathing, movement & stillness. Tune the self  to detox, build immunity, enhance sensitivity, perception, expand awareness, enrich self-healing and open to higher states of consciousness.

Modern times, people know how to recharge their mobile phones and even carry extra battery packs.
But, mastery of one’s own energy level is forgotten art and science.
Some people have more energy and don’t know how to use it and throw out in many unwise ways or sick/ out of tune with life and want to tune in.
Some people have blocked energy in body/mind/emotions and want to heal/ transform energy.
Some people are seeking to deepen the meaning of life and understanding how body-mind-energy functions in wholeness.
Some people are seeking to build vital immunity to protect and heal !

What we learn and experience in this training ?
In this retreat, we Learn, Practice and Experience …
* Preparatory exercises and Asana Sequence for body, joints, nerves & spine
* Awareness exercises, Foundation & Advanced pranayama practices
* Yoga Nidra, Nada Yoga, Chakra awareness, Meditations, etc..
* Inner Science of Energy: Nadi, Vayu, Chakra, Mudras, Bandhas, …
* Modern Science of Respiratory, Nervous, Harmonal and Lympahtic systems
* Cleansing Kriyas and Anti-viral herbs buiding vital immunity
* Discover, Detox, Heal, Energize, Transform, Meditate & Evolve

Who can join this retreat?
o Anyone who breath and move 😉
o Anyone who is seeking for new learnings, healings, deeper experiences in life
o Anyone who wants to rejuvenate and be alive with peace, health, love, freedom & bliss in life
o Any yoga practioner / teacher who wants to refine, learn inner science and deeper mechanics behind practices

Do I need to know yogasana with flexilibility to learn this ?
If you are able to sit in one posture comfortable and stable, its good enough for prana yoga.
We will start with preparatory exercises to keep the body flexible and energy channels open before expanding further  prana yoga practices. If you already have regular practice of yogasana or sports, it will be added advantage to go deeper.

Is it unnatural to control breath ?
Pranayama is not about controlling the breath but to observe, understand, support and enhance the natural process of breath and life energy.
With observation, we can find that breath and prana gets disturbed through our thoughts and emotions unconsciously and create toxins/ disease/ blocks in our system. Through Prana yoga practice, we become aware, help detox, unblock and support energy flow into natural states.

Is it safe practice ?
Yes, these are natural and safe practices. You will be guided with right information on when to use what and how much to use for advanced practices. It can be intense for body-mind-emotions-energy, suggest you not to have any other intense activities during these days.

Does it support my medical condition and treatment ?
Whatever medical condition or treatment someone is going through, prana yoga helps to enhance the energy levels and speeds up the healing process. Case by case, if anything not suitable will be explained.
It can be intense for body-mind-emotions-energy, suggest you not to have any other intense activities during these days.

What should I bring?

– Open mind, heart and body 🙂

– Loose and comfortable clothing & optional white clothing (for specific meditations)

– A pen and notebook

– A Yoga Mat

– Your joyful creativity :  musical instruments, songs, poems, handicraft, painting, to share

What are the timings ?
First day – Thursday
Arrival before 4pmLast day – Sunday
Course Completes by 1pm.Daily Schedule

5:30 am       Wakeup and Refresh

6-8:30am    Morning Practice

8:30am       Seva – Karma Yoga

9:30am       Breakfast

11-1pm       Learning/ Teaching Practice/ Sharing

1-2pm         Fruits Lunch

2-4pm         Learning/ Teaching Practice/ Sharing/ Rest

4-6pm         Evening Practice

6pm            Sunset Silence Meditation

6:30pm       Dinner

8:30             Night Practice/ Creativity/ Sharing/ Fire Ceremony

10 am         Restful Sleep

Last Day – Sunday

How much it costs ?

Value of the course content is priceless. As we are non profit foundation, minimum donation of ₹6,000 (€70) suggested to cover the costs.

Contribution Covers for :

Course, Course Materials, Healthy food, Shared Accomodation.

What kind of Food ?
Healthy wholesome vegetarian multi cuisine food shared twice a day with fruits in between. We don’t use white rice, white sugar, white salt, white flour, milk, eggs. We use brown/ black rice, varieties of millets, sprouts, cold pressed oils, … We get as much possible organic good quality Vegetables and Fruits as per seasonal and local availability

What are the facilities available ?

  • Serene Healing Energy field
  • A dedicated hall for conscious practices (yoga, meditations, …)
  • Accommodation for 2 people in each room and camping platform for tents
  • Wooden wardrobe, Wooden cots in the room, mats for tent, silk cotton mattress, pillows, bedsheets & quilts
  • A small library collection with conscious books
  • Kitchen Dining Living Hall
  • Wifi Internet, Power Backup
  • Washing machine & Water Heater
  • Bathrooms with toilets
  • Outdoor Sit outs
  • Fresh Mountain stream water for drinking, showering

For any further queries contact
Whatsapp : +91 9765348573, Call : +91 7598691339, Email : bodhivanam.in@gmail.com

* *   Pre-register as spaces are Limited

How to confirm registration ?
1. Fill in the form at https://forms.gle/wP6R3UArN2aH4noN8
2. Discuss and get your queries clarified
3. Pay 50% Deposit
Indian UPI Payment         :  9765348573@icici, hi.ananda@icici
International Payment     :  hi.ananda@gmail.com

What about cancellation ?
Book only when it’s clear and possible for you to attend.
If you cancel for unforeseen reasons, deposit amount will be held.
If program cancels for unforeseen reasons, amount will be returned back and only 5% will be held for service charges.

Where is it happening ?
Check  https://bodhivanam.in/
Bodhi Vanam (Awakening Forest) is an wholenes center & a healing forest  located in Kodaikanal mountain at 1270 mts. elevation with lovely cool weather (avg.18-25°c) with rich flora, wild fauna and beautiful streams and waterfalls. Nearby, there are many organic farms, international community and a Zen meditation centre (10km).

It’s accessible by Bus/Car ~130km from Madurai Airport, ~175km from Coimbatore Airport, ~380km from Thiruvannamalai, ~430km from Auroville, ~500km from Chennai Airport.
Over night Bus journey is a good option for people coming through Chennai/ Pondicherry/ Bangalore.

Perumalmalai or Pethuparai Junction is good stop for people coming through Bus. People coming by car can come upto the junction where off-road (last 2 km) starts. People coming by motorbike or 4×4 jeep can come all the way to the place. Last 2 km is off-road jungle terrain which can be traversed only by foot or motorbike or by Jeep.
As the place is surrounded by wilderness with animals possibly roaming at night, its advised not to go out between 6pm-6am for safety.

Google location of the junction where off-road starts : https://maps.app.goo.gl/uDeNWQ8YhgoFfcLi7 (use for directions)

Google location of the center : https://maps.app.goo.gl/dnhTrvutuhLkRUtV8 (dont use for directions)

What are the other programs happening ?

Check the schedule at https://ananda.social/

About Facilitator Ananda:
Ananda is an inner gardener, yogi, meditator, healer and inner guide sharing experiential retreats, trainings, and individual sessions across Asia & Europe. His sharing is based on deep experiences with Yoga, Tantra, Psychology, Inner Science, ancient and modern forms of healing tools.
Over 30 years his life has been enriched and evolving with hatha yoga, zen, vigyana bhairav tantra, bauls, inner science, psychology and mother nature. He is professionally trained with various ancient and modern forms of  healing tools including Ayurveda, Varma, reiki, pranic healing, NLP, NVC, watsu, aqua wellness, awareness through the body, reflexology & rebalancing.
Ananda had professional life with Masters degree in Computers and worked as a Software Architect for 12 years in multinational companies. He left that profession long ago for simple living and heartful sharing.
While not in travels/ programs, setting up a natural eco farm with fruits & herbs in healing forest on  kodaikanal mountain as a wholeness centre.
Inviting people to live with essence of love and freedom inside and outside.


March 27
March 30
Event Categories:


Bodhi Vanam
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Bodhi Vanam
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu 624101 India
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