Prana : Breathwork Facilitator Training – 3 weeks

Bodhi Vanam W8/237, KUMBUR VAYAL, VADAGAUNJI, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India

Prana is the universal life energy. “Breath is the Life Bridge connecting known and unknown, finite and infinitie, micro and macro” What we learn and experience in Breathwork Facilitator Training ? Learning, Deepening,  Refining & Practicing to Facilitate Breathwork for Life Energy, Relaxation, Endurance, Healing, Enlightenment, Evolution Benefits : Physical, Mental, Emotional, Read more…

Dhyana – Meditation Facilitator Training – 3 weeks

Bodhi Vanam W8/237, KUMBUR VAYAL, VADAGAUNJI, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India

“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop” ~ Rumi What we learn and experience in Meditation Facilitator Training ? Path of Awareness : Awakening, Clarity, Creativity, Dissolving Foundation, Deepening, Refinement to Practice & Facilitate Awareness of Body, Breath, Mind, Emotions, Energy Mindfulness, Open Presence, Read more…

Parinama – Transformation Facilitator Training – 3 weeks

Bodhi Vanam W8/237, KUMBUR VAYAL, VADAGAUNJI, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India

”You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? ~ Rumi “Love and Awareness are the two wings to fly in the open sky of life” What we learn and experience in Transformation Facilitator Training ? Foundation, Deepening, Refinements to Practice & Facilitate Healing, Unconditioning, Transformation & Evolution process Transformative Read more…